Pawsome Adventures on Pause: Rerouting Our Journey Out West

Duchess here, your favorite four-legged travel aficionado, ready to share another tail-wagging tale with you. Today, I have a bit of news that might make you tilt your head in curiosity. You may recall I told Richard this trip wasn’t a great idea. Turns out we had to make an unexpected change of plans for our highly anticipated trip out west. Why, you ask? Well, it all started with a tiny little bug called Covid.

Richard was  all set to embark on our grand adventure when Richard learned he was exposed to someone who tested positive for Covid.

Now, let me tell you, my human’s health and safety are my top priorities. We dogs have a keen sense of loyalty and responsibility towards our humans, after all. As much as I yearned for those wide-open spaces, my paws were firmly planted on the ground, supporting Richard’s decision to reroute our trip.

In times like these, flexibility is key. So, we sat down together, Richard with his laptop and with me wagging in support, searching for alternate routes.

We revised our itinerary and canceled our visits with friends and family for the next five days and we are headed south to Asheville, North Carolina and places and Spaces nearby, surrounded by picturesque hiking trails. I can already imagine the scent of fresh pine trees and the sound of birds chirping, enticing my senses with every step.

The best part? We haven’t gone west yet. And hey, it’s not about the destination; it’s about the journey, right? He still thinks we’re headed to Wyoming, but who knows?

So, my fellow furry friends, let’s embrace the unexpected turns that life throws at us. Just because our plans change doesn’t mean we can’t make the most of the situation. Sometimes, the detours lead us to places we never would have discovered otherwise. Who knows, maybe this rerouted adventure will turn out to be the best one yet! More east than west.

Stay tuned for more updates on our revised road trip, filled with wagging trails, breathtaking vistas, and the spirit of exploration. Until then, keep your paws on the ground and your tails held high.


6 thoughts on “Pawsome Adventures on Pause: Rerouting Our Journey Out West”

  1. Dear Duchess, oh my goodness, I’m so sorry to hear that the Grand Tour has been postponed yet I must say I’m very relieved to find that your human realizes how important it is to consider his well being and ability to care for you above all else. I personally love the detoured plans!!!!!!!
    Your pal, Dianna

  2. Dutches.
    Have a great trip and keep a sharp eye on Richard. for Cindy and me. The Harman’s feel sorry about have to reroute your trip.

    Happy travels Duchess,

    Gray Fox

  3. Duchess were are you and your human now?
    I hope you are kind of enjoying this little detour.😃

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