And I Thought They We’re Just Being Friendly

It seems all they do in Deadwood is drink and gamble. There also is a lot of shopping. On my limited budget, I have narrowed it down to antelope antlers and beef jerky. All the souvenir stores have the antlers at my eye level and Indiana Richard doesn’t seem to mind letting me drag him through every store on the street.

And until last night, I had my Waggy bag, full of beef jerky treats (my favorite new food). Right next to the casino at the hotel, there is a doggy/pet play area. This is where I met Ozzie. Ozzie is cute, small and seemed harmless when I met him, but Indiana said he was just drawing me in. Well, Ozzie introduced me to a few of his friends, Jed, Lewes, Boris, and Clive. They invited me to play with them. By 7 o’clock all my jerky was gone. I guess it’s back to peanut butter (I happen to know that Richard bought elk jerky for Leith when they meet up in Wyoming. Maybe I’ll be nice to Leith).

A lesson Learned


6 thoughts on “And I Thought They We’re Just Being Friendly”

  1. Oh, Duchess, when you get home you will remember the adventure you and Indiana had as a special time together. You can’t put a price tag on memories. I know deep inside you are enjoying it but like all kids you wouldn’t let him know.. Your stories are priceless and Bob and I look forward to hearing about your next adventure. Love the pictures.

  2. Duchess, I’m sorry that your new “friends” weren’t so nice after all. I am surprised, too, that you are not in the photo of the card game; surely Indiana could have made that happen with his software skills. After all, if you are on Mt. Rushmore, you certainly could have found your way into the poker game.

    How many more days until you meet up with Leith? Just curious so I can appreciate how long you have to wait to shame him into sharing his elk jerky with you.

    I look forward to your new blog entry each day. No matter what my mood, I’m smiling by the time I finish reading about that days’ adventures.

  3. Michael K Newell

    I am enjoying the saga of your journey. Give my best to Indiana Richard!

  4. Oh Duchess,

    It’s a tough cruel world when a girl finds out people are not all they seem or pretend to be…..sorry about your jerky loss – devastating!


  5. Duchess,
    Thank you so much for the jerky. It is also one of my favorite foods to snack on. Now that I know you like jerky so much, when deer seasons comes in I will have some deer jerky for you to enjoy this fall. Just a few more days tell we meet on the reservation so be safe and take good care of Richard. Be sure to visit Old Faithful in Yellowstone but stay away from the hot pots.

    Gray Fox

  6. Duchess, there is a reason why it is called the wild west. You will definitely have a few more street smarts by the time you return to quaint old Williamsburg. Take care and enjoy all of these fabulous adventures!

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