A New Survey for The Close

Indiana told me today that he wanted to post several copies of this sign in the Counselor’s Close Park.  I told him I thought it needed Board approval.  He said he feels another Survey coming on.  What do you think?


4 thoughts on “A New Survey for The Close”

  1. Duchess,

    I think Richard could be a little over zealous with the sign and I’m afraid the idea could be immediately shot down – survey or not!

    Also, I think you two sent out a notice about the CC Summer Party in a pdf that I could not get to open for me…….



  2. Kay Wilhelm Maas

    So, we can’t graze our buffalo in the park? Do we have to walk them over to the historic area and let them hang out with the oxen? Does Duchess have any thoughts on this?

  3. Little known fact: buffalo are gross. Also you don’t really need to tell folks to stay away because they smell really, really bad.

  4. I keep an eye out on the meadow by the Close every night and swear there was a buffalo there one evening so the sign might come in handy

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